Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rattling Around the Attic

It's been a while since I've rattled around the attic in the middle of the night. Over the past few days, I've been working a little bit later than usual at home, having technical discussions and talking really slowly with people halfway around the globe. At the end of this excitement, I find it difficult to just simply crash out. There's always more work, so I do some of that. But it's always interesting to see what is in the attic.

I did stash away a good title for another article or book: "Yoga, and Adventures in Male Mentalpause." I found a truckload of unread RSS headlines. There are some bills to attend to and an unread book. I also have about a week of unread Google searches.

It also looks like I'll be taking a day trip to Milan next week. Seems a little crazy, but it's a biz trip.

My piano teacher is winding down for the summer. Even though I know next year is his last year in this area, I have been thinking about a new teacher for helping me with jazz. I'm concerned that breaking the routine of the weekly lesson that I'll lose focus on piano -- which is already happening with my arguably overflowing plate.

Okay, down from the attic and off to sleep.

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