Saturday, April 22, 2006


My name is Courtney, and it's been seven days since I last wrote to my blog. The past several weeks have given me the opportunity to lose my balance in life as I have been spending disproportionate time and effort in some areas and not others. In my frenzy of activity, I have lost sight of my fundamentals, my rudiments, and those tenets which -- when followed -- have served me well.

I forgot about the benefits of rest, and lost briefly my emotional balance.

I forgot about letting those troubling items wait until the most appropriate time to solve them. It is generally not 3:30 in the morning. I forgot that, too.

I forgot about focusing on those things where I could affect the outcome favorably.

I forgot about the need to do different things, not just one or two.

I did remember one thing, however. I remembered that I'm human. And, I think I remembered before it's too late.

1 comment:

Luk said...

Sorry I just posted a comment on the wrong post and I don't know which one it was. I'm so bad at this...
I apologize...