Monday, September 11, 2006


I did not get to do the double-header at the gym today due to timing. My daughter explained that the mat pilates class would probably blow my abs and leave me without the support needed for Yoga class. She is very wise, and I'm sure this was a good call -- although my abs are in very good shape after training for the last 3 1/2 years.

The Yoga class was spectacular with a most interesting, talented and unique teacher. Karolina provides a fresh approach to vinyasa, including a Nia opening dance. I haven't done a dance opening to Yoga for a while, and this was a fun way to warm up. The class ended with shavasana accompanied by a story which provided a connection from our current state, our desires, and a path to a desired outcome. This might sound a little off the normal course, but I assure you that it's most effective.

The studio has mirrors on three walls. While many Yoga teachers suggest looking past the mirrors, I find it helpful for alignment and adjustment of poses. The visual cues are very powerful. In addition, I have been practicing some tall mountain poses and working toward doing them with my eyes closed. Anyone who has tried a balance pose with their eyes closed knows that this adds an additional challenge. The thought crossed my mind that the feedback one receives from visual cues may be faster than than the feedback received from our inner ears. I believe that with practice that the balance poses with closed eyes can improve, and this probably makes the same poses with eyes open even easier.

Tomorrow, we take Jenn to campus. I'll miss seeing her everyday, but I will take comfort that she's close to family and that she is very sensible. We agreed to stay in touch by phone, and it's only about a month before we'll be back for parent's weekend.

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