Friday, June 16, 2006

Comic Relief

After going through a rather stressful week at work, which led to taking today off, I had the opportunity to spend some time with my daughter. This was an uptick in the week, as spending time with her is desirable since she goes away to college in September.

I don't know exactly how it happened, but as we were entering the supermarket I grabbed a shopping cart. I looked at the child's seat, then looked at Jenn. I recognized that she wouldn't fit into the child's seat, so I pushed the seat back which maximized the area inside the cart. Jenn was surpised because the next thing she realized was that she had been airlifted into the shopping cart. We both started laughing.

It wasn't enough to simply position this way at the entrance to the store. I pushed the cart with her in it into the store. It didn't take long to start getting the looks. Two ladies started the dialogue. "How old are you?" she said with a grin. Eighteen was the answer. The other lady looked at me and said, "Is this your baby?" I grinned and answered affirmatively. They said, "Have fun!" which of course, we overachieved in for the next few minutes.

The story goes just a few more sections -- past the blueberries and strawberries, and heading toward the salad bar. Jenn started reaching toward the serving spoons. We then concluded it was time to return to normal -- which was far less fun, drew far less attention, and made us laugh far less.

It is a great memory, which did elicit our laughter later in the afternoon as we recalled the silliness.

I will save for another time the rap song that I created spontaneously on the ride home, which I did as an overlay to some Kanye West that we were listening to.

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