Sunday, January 14, 2007


We saw the Monet exhibit yesterday. His paintings are so incredible. It was nice to see about 30-40 of the paintings set up in chronological order. I could follow the progression of his style. I saw a more traditional style in his early work, then saw how he started the little curved strokes. His later work added more of the strokes, then he started working on expanding the palettes of color. What’s incredible is that he had a style for working with color, but the palette changed from painting to paining. It’s not like all of his paintings are the same shades of color. Some were lighter than others, with the lightest being a snowscape. It was interesting to see he blurred and formed the signature of the impressionist style. Finally, with the water lilies, he "went large" and open.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Saturday Night

We went out with some friends, two other couples, and saw Children of Men and went for dinner. The movie was not that good as it was very violent and had an extraordinarily weak story line. Highly NOT recommended.

The funny story was at dinner. When we were offered the check, we were given the option for separate checks. Normally, this would be three checks for three couples. However, the young man gave us six individual checks. We assumed it was because he didn't know who was with whom, and we were right!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Moving into 2007

As much as I enjoyed the time away from work, there is a certain ritual associated with work that is comforting. It was good to get back to see the folks with whom I work and to hear about the holidays. 2007 promises to be a very interesting and exciting year with work as there is growth in the market and infinite opportunity for innovation.

I'm looking forward to taking the flow class today at 10:45 as it's been a while since I've done this class. The regular teacher may still be away, but the standing sub is good.

We'll probably group with some friends tonight, grab a bite, and see a movie.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My First Yoga Class as Teacher

About 4:15 today, I got the panic call from the coordinator at the fitness center where I'm scheduled to do my first intro to yoga class. They needed a sub for the 5:15 advanced class.

The class is a group of regulars who meet for a weekly flow class. I was informed that the regular instructor doesn't use music, the class has been together for quite some time. I agreed to come over early and learn the logistics for the class (punch cards, student names, etc.) and where the control for the lights was located.

I greeted the class, asked about injuries (one back, one knee). As quickly as I could, I surveyed to see the level of the students -- which was a combination of eying the initial postures before settling in and the initial dialog with the students. The general request was to go somewhat easy on the class as they hadn't met for a few weeks, and this was the first day back to work.

There really wasn't a lot of planning time to put together a formal set of sequences, so I basically put the first two together in my head on the way over to the fitness center, and made up the third on the fly. Fortunately, I've taken a lot of flow classes so I had a pretty good repertoire from which to assemble the sequences. I only made one error in symmetry, forgetting a triangle pose on the second side. The obviously most advanced student in the class called out the pose for us, and I thanked him, inserted the pose, and finished the sequence.

We did a couple of balance poses, then I asked if there were any finishing poses the class would like to do. There was a request for plow, shoulder stand, and pigeon. Overall, the postures looked pretty good. However, I really had wanted the class to ease into pigeon, and I saw some of the students sort of hurriedly go toward the floor (without the best form). I'm not sure if the pace was a little slow, or if they took me up on the statement that we "weren't doing synchronized yoga today."

Finally, I offered the class the opportunity to do any final poses their bodies called for in prep for savasana. Most folks did some twisting poses with their legs.

We had ample time for savasana (I left just over 5 mins for a one hour class) and the class rested peacefully with very little restless movement. I thanked the class for the hard work, their energy, and the honor and privilege of guiding their practice...Namaste.

In general, I was pleased with the outcome. From the feedback I received, the class was at the right pace, and folks thanked me for substituting. I sensed that people felt better at the end of class rather than at the beginning.

I figure that I've been through one of the most challenging situations a yoga teacher might face. First of all, I was substituting for a regular class with a regular teacher. It was a class where people had obviously taken a good bit of yoga, based on their knowledge and skill. It was my maiden voyage. And, there was basically no time to prep. If I can do this, then I think other teaching opportunities can only be easier.

I only did one little "dance" step at the beginning of class. One of the students asked me where I was currently teaching. I told her that I wasn't currently teaching at another studio, but was getting ready to teach a 10-week beginner course in the same facility where we practiced today. (There was no way I was going to tell them it was my first time teaching a yoga class!)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Yoga Class

2007 is the year where with all going to plan I'll be certified to teach yoga. Part of my teacher training is to log 20 hours of teaching. I have arranged to do a 10-week, hourly class for the first 10 hours at work. Currently, I'm in the process of doing the lesson planning for the class. While I'm sure some of the plan will be subject to change, given the skill and background of the majority of students, I want to have a solid plan to work from.

At some point, I'm sure I could improvise a yoga class, but for the first class I really want the benefit of planning.

The teacher training class didn't meet in December, and I really miss my classmates. There are 15 students in the class and the teacher makes 16. Somehow, this group has come together quickly and it's a good mix.

Today, we take Jenn to the airport as she heads back for her second quarter of college. We will miss her very much as it's been most enjoyable having her back in the house for the last three weeks.

Finally, no new year's resolutions for me -- well, unless you call trying to stay in the moment a resolution. I see how quickly time goes by. There's no reason not to enjoy and savor life, one breath at a time.